That’s me
As a writer, of course, I've known that I was a storyteller. But to tell a story out loud in front of a crowd, well, that is a different story! My dearest friend, Maggie, turned me onto The Moth podcast years ago. I listened intently and sometimes even laughed out loud while commuting on the bus with my earbuds in. Come to think of it, that was about the time when I started not giving a shit about what other people thought. I was both impressed and inspired by the storytellers, and I thought how cool it would be to do that someday. Well, that day came on March 14th during The Mudroom storytelling event at the AVA Gallery in Lebanon, NH. With a great true story, no notes, and a lot of gumption, I did it. And I do believe I crushed it. I have a feeling there will be more storytelling in my future.